Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Technology Isn't All Good

I do not think that technology can ultimately save us, at least not alone. New technology can certainly help us solve problems, but I do not think that they are the ultimate solution to the environmental problems we face today. I think that, like with all things, technology has its limits and negative effects. By remedying problems with current technologies by simply developing new ones, we are not addressing the root cause of the problem. As can probably be inferred by my previous posts, I strongly believe that changes in the actions of people are what is most important.

Sarah’s automobile argument was well put. New technologies generally seem great at first and people are so open to them because they generally make life easier in some way. If you’re too cold in the winter, turn the heater up instead of putting on more layers. If you don’t like the T.V. program that’s on, or you don’t like the current song on the stereo, pick up the remote, press a button and you’re onto something new. All thanks to technology. Though an easier life is more desirable in many ways, people often do not think of what it has cost them. Our connection with the natural world is being lost. What’s more, we are no longer knowledgeable of basic survival skills. If the power and our water supply went off, many wouldn’t know what to do with themselves.

New technologies often have unforeseen side affects. Ethanol uses food and energy that could be better used to serve other needs of people. DDT disrupts food chains and harms animals. Melamine has put thousands of Chinese children in the hospital. All of these were at some point new technologies. However, their full effects were not immediately recognized, or they were used in ways they weren’t designed for and humans and the environment are facing the consequences.

I certainly do not think that all technology is bad, just that it often comes at a cost. We should not put all of our faith into the hope that something new will be produced to combat some harm that we’ve created. This may continue happening for a while, but the day it doesn’t we’ll have a crisis.

1 comment:

ziherl said...

would love to take credit for a great idea - but i'm afraid that wasn't me.... :)