Monday, September 15, 2008

A Candidate Face- Off ... just where do they really stand?

If I were to classify the Candidates in terms of where they stand on the Environmental Perspective table, I would honestly say that, with some slight variances, they both classify as Market Liberals. Rooted in a capitalistic consumer oriented society, I think it would be difficult for any candidate deeply rooted in any of the other perspectives to have gained such popular support. I do, however find that there are some stark differences between Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain in terms of just how avidly they hold true to that perspective profile.

Looking first at McCain, we see how closely he parallels the bullets noted within the Market Liberal category. Modern science, technological improvements, and the promotion of more energy production are all keys to solving the energy crises according the McCain. He advocates more drilling, improving the domestic economy, and constructing more power plants as the way to the future. The only area where we see McCain branch over into another perspective's category is on the topic of the "Cap and Trade System." Although it's stimulated by economic incentives (under the market liberalism category) it does promote a sense of control and reduction under an an international agreement (which could be considered and idea of the Institutionalist's).

Obama, like McCain looks at solutions to the environmental crises from a Market Liberal point of view, but also from an Institutionalist and even a Bio-environmentalist. From the M.L stand point, Obama advocates the creation of jobs and stimulate the economy, but he also emphasis the idea of Americans actually guilty of overconsumption (and idea of the Bio environmentalist), proposing to solve this problem with Hybrid cars and energy from renewable sources, essentially reducing our oil usage. Like McCain, Obama promotes the idea of a "Cap and Trade System" (an idea rooted in institutional thinking). Although I don't think the Social Green perspective holds much legitimacy among the candidates this round, I would be tempted to say that Obama's idea of sustainable communities and the promotion of fair trade might fall under this category.

Am I with anymore sense about the Candidates? Well, I've made up my mind a while ago, but I do think this presents an interesting way to contrast (and even find similarities) in the candidates environmental stances.

As for who's talking sense and who - smack. My vote's with Obama. I plan to own a Hybrid, reduce my oil consumption, work in a green profession, and find Obama's stance to be more charismatic, responsibility-owning of the two. I think Americans need to be called out in their error of over-consumption, unfair trade, and careless lifestyles, which Obama is unafraid to do.

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