Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lazy Environmentalism 101 Not So Effective

This article really made me feel useless, as far as my efforts go at a greener life style. Sometimes I don’t even think that my meager offering of making a point to recycle my can of coke or turning the water off while I’m brushing my teeth really even matters. And I guess it really doesn’t.

So I have to ask myself, at this point, is it really even worth it? I’m not making a big difference in anything I do. Why should I keep making an effort to carry reusable bags to the grocery store? For me, it’s keeping the faith that if enough people can show that they care, and are willing to make a change, someone will come along who does have the power and resources to make a visible difference and show the rest of how.

I think its really going to take a restructuring of our life styles, and I think that new policies and regulation are going to need to be enforced with some kind of incentive. Sure, some of us would willingly alter some part of our routines, but many of us would not simply because its so easy to stick to the status quo. I agree with Maniates, people should stop babying us because we’re not fooled. In a country where we have the greatest academic minds, the most freedom in the world, and where much of the fault lies for the current state of the environment, there is no reason why we should not be the most environmentally conscientious people as well.

p.s. sorry this is late

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