Monday, September 8, 2008

polluters anonymous

I absolutely agree with the previous posts. The greatest threat to the environment we face is our own kind and the general lack of concern among not only Americans, but most of the world. It’s a shame that countries like the US won’t sign the Kyoto protocol because we don’t believe its fair, because rather than focusing on a common goal, we are being selfish.

I suppose that’s the real root of what I believe is the problem with the environment. Not necessarily apathy among human kind, but selfishness. Many of us in the developed world know good and well the extent of damage that our lifestyles have on the environment, yet we are more than willing to expect others to have a more modest lifestyle.

In class we discussed how population really isn’t the issue. Sub-Saharan Africa is the home to millions of people, yet they are not the main polluters of this earth. I probably produce more waste in a week than most of them do in a year. What makes Americans have more of right to produce more waste, and have a higher standard of living? It doesn’t seem fair, does it?

The NYTimes article seems to be like so many Americans, begrudgingly doing our part in the grand scheme of things. Granted, I would not go so far as to make sure I get a certificate that shows that after I buy my cabinet they replant a tree. But in the most basic way this attitude holds true. I still have friends who don’t recycle because its too much of a hassle to have take out two different garbage cans. Who are we to complain when we stand to gain the most from recycled goods?

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