Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Exactly Table Conversation...

Because the environment is a relatively new area of interest to me, I did not have any idea what my views actually were. I talked to my dad over the break and, since he always has as opinion on everything, I knew it would be an interesting conversation.

I started by (during dinner on Thanksgiving) asking what people thought of the environment and was it in trouble and how to fix it? I had several reactions ranging from "it's just getting a couple of degrees warmer" to "we are all in trouble".

My dad is an accountant and is very interested in the economy. His views are that the market should make corrections to the system and that, when consumers wanted change or there was a disaster, that was when we should make changes. I discussed my point with the need for a change in policy from the top down in addition to a bottom up approach from grassroots organisations. The only part that is negotiable is the implementation of the policy and that should be discussed and somewhat regulated to ensure the most effective and efficient outcome (like the Big 3 discussion below).

I'm not sure how but the discussion ended up very similar to our last discussion in class before the holiday. We ended up on the topic of fuel standards in cars and whether the government should bail out the Big 3. My dad said no, they should file for bankruptcy and fail so that the lobour contracts could be renegotiated . I pointed out that, if the Big 3 failed, millions of jobs would be lost and that, as a condition of the bailout, contracts would need to be renegotiated to make the companies more competitive with Toyota, etc.

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